Sunflower kernel
Sunflower cake
Sunflower oil
Calibrated sunflower
Feed oil
Packaging, L
Packaging, L
Packaging, L
Packaging, L
Sunflower oil «Inter»
Sunflower oil «Altai Oil»
Sunflower oil «Real»
Sunflower oil «Selected Altai»
Yandex Market
The company «Inter-Oil» uses a unique first cold pressing technology, with gentle raw material processing modes, natural cleaning, and constant quality control
Our oil is available on Ozon and Yandex Market
Sunflower oil is traditionally considered a folk product in Russia. This popularity is explained not only by its high taste and nutritional properties but also by the benefits that the oil possesses.
The products are manufactured in accordance with the requirements of TR TS 024/2011 «Technical Regulation on Oil and Fat Products» and GOST 1129-2013 «Sunflower Oil. Technical Conditions», as well as comply with the requirements of TR TS 021/2011 «On Food Safety» and TR TS 022/2011 «Food Products Regarding Their Labeling».
Declaration of conformity EAEU N RU D-RU. PA03.B.71860/23 Valid from 05.05.2023 to 04.05.2028.

Ecological certificate No. ROSS RU: CCK.044.1984 Valid from 04.02.2024 to 03.02.2026.

Declaration of conformity for PET bottles (packaging for oil) EAEU N RU D-RU. AY82.B.01370/20 Valid from 23.03.2020 to 22.03.2025.

SMBP certificate No. NASSP RU.004.E.0009 Valid from 18.10.2024 to 17.10.2027.
Declarations and certificates:
Shelf life of the oil:

Packaged highest grade – 10 months,
Packaged first grade – 7 months.
Bulk highest grade – 5 months,
Bulk first grade – 7 months.
To optimize space usage in warehouses and during transportation of the oil, we offer the following table:
Storage conditions: in covered, darkened rooms at a temperature no higher than +20°C and relative humidity of no more than 75%. After opening the consumer packaging, store in a cool, dark place in a closed state.
LLC «Inter-Oil» produces unrefined sunflower oil both bulk and packaged in PET bottles with capacities ranging from 0.5 L to 10.0 L in the following assortment:

Highest grade - «Inter,» «Selected Altai,» «Real»;
First grade - «Altai Oil»
Sunflower oil is suitable for preparing salads, sauces, frying, and home canning. The oil does not foam, does not burn during frying, and does not produce sediment during storage!

The company «Inter-Oil» uses a unique first cold pressing technology, with gentle raw material processing modes, natural cleaning, and constant quality control. Our technological process allows us to obtain a clear oil of a soft amber color with a light aroma and pleasant taste, in which all vitamins, nutrients, and trace elements are preserved unchanged. The optimal daily norm for a person is 20 grams.

  • Unrefined, highest grade, cold-pressed, without preservatives, no sediment, light pleasant sunflower aroma, golden color, high vitamin E content

  • Shelf life: 10 months

  • Unrefined, highest grade, cold-pressed, without preservatives, no sediment, light pleasant sunflower aroma, golden color, high vitamin E content

  • Shelf life: 10 months

  • Unrefined, first grade, without preservatives, no sediment, pleasant sunflower aroma, amber color

  • Shelf life: 10 months

  • Unrefined, highest grade, cold-pressed, without preservatives, no sediment, light pleasant sunflower aroma, golden color, high vitamin E content

  • Shelf life: 10 months
The product consists of sunflower seeds that have been cleaned of their fruit shell (hull) and have undergone additional cleaning and sorting on a photo separator. The raw material for producing the kernel is high-quality calibrated sunflower that meets the requirements of TR TS 015/2011 «On the Safety of Grain» and GOST 22391-2015 «Sunflower. Technical Conditions».
  • Declaration of conformity EAEU N RU D-RU.PT42.V.05368/20 Valid from 19.02.2020 to 18.02.2025.

  • Certificate SMBPP No. NASCP RU.004.E.0009 Valid from 18.10.2024 to 17.10.2027.
The sunflower seed kernel is a true treasure trove of oil, protein, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients.
The sunflower seed kernel is widely used in cooking, baking, and confectionery industries as a raw material component and as an independent product.
The product is manufactured according to TU 10.41.72-003-74705420-2014 «Sunflower Seed Kernel. Technical Conditions», in accordance with the requirements of TR TS 021/2011 «On the Safety of Food Products» and TR TS 022/2011 «Food Products Regarding Their Labeling».

Declarations and certificates:

  • Before consumption, the product should be rinsed, dried, or roasted

  • Storage conditions – in dry, well-ventilated warehouses free from pest contamination, at a temperature not exceeding 25°C and with relative humidity not exceeding 75%
  • The shelf life of the sunflower seed kernel is 7 months from the date of manufacture
The sunflower seed kernel for trading and processing enterprises is packaged in polypropylene bags weighing a net of 25 kg.
The production of calibrated sunflower begins with incoming raw material control in the production and technological laboratory. The physical and chemical quality indicators of the sunflower seeds are measured, including moisture content, external characteristics, and taste.
  • The product is manufactured according to STO 74705420-001-2010 «Packaged Sunflower Seeds», in accordance with the requirements of TR TS 021/2011 «On the Safety of Food Products» and TR TS 022/2011 «Food Products Regarding Their Labeling»

  • Declaration of conformity EAEU N RU D-RU.PA08.V.22092/22 Valid from 22.11.2022 to 21.11.2025.
«LLC «Inter-Oil» sells calibrated sunflower of calibers 36, 38, and 40.
Calibrated sunflower is a product obtained through careful selection of sunflower seeds based on organoleptic indicators and size. The largest and highest quality seeds become our product.
The high quality of the produced calibrated sunflower is guaranteed by thorough laboratory control at all stages of the technological process.

  • To obtain not only enjoyment but also benefits from sunflower seeds, they should be washed and dried before consumption

  • Storage conditions – in dry, clean rooms free from pest contamination, at a temperature not exceeding +25°C and with relative humidity not exceeding 75%
  • The shelf life of calibrated sunflower seeds is 7 months from the date of manufactureя
Calibrated sunflower seeds are sold in polypropylene bags weighing 25 kg.
After this, the sunflower seeds undergo preliminary cleaning to remove weed impurities and, if necessary, are dried. The drying of the sunflower is carried out in an environmentally safe manner using warm clean air in a specially designed dryer. Next, the sunflower seeds are mechanically sifted through screens with holes of various sizes and cleaned of weed impurities.
When using the cold pressing method, sunflower meal is not exposed to high temperatures. This type of meal has a low degree of oxidation, preserving the maximum amount of beneficial substances necessary for the full growth and development of animals.
  • Declaration of conformity No. ROSS RU D-RU.AY82.V.00032/20 Valid from 28.09.2020 to 28.09.2025.
The scientific and production enterprise «Inter-Oil» produces meal according to TU 10.41.41-004-74705420-2014.
Sunflower meal is a product of processing cleaned and ground sunflower seeds as a result of oil extraction on ring presses. The meal is a valuable high-protein additive for the production of compound feeds.
The introduction of sunflower meal into animal feed positively affects metabolism, strengthens the immune system, improves the growth of young animals, and increases egg production in poultry.

  • The meal retains a significant amount of fat, up to 10-11%, which gives it high nutritional and energy value

  • Storage conditions – the product should be stored in bulk or in bags stacked in piles, in clean, dry rooms free from pest contamination, well-ventilated, protected from direct sunlight and heat sources, with periodic internal warehouse movement. Bags of meal in storage facilities should be placed on pallets or shelves
  • The shelf life of sunflower seed meal is 3 months when transportation and storage conditions are followed
The product is available in bulk or packaged in polypropylene bags weighing 35 kg. The meal can be transported by all means of transport, and vehicles must be clean, dry, and disinfected.
Sunflower meal can be used in the diets of all types of animals, primarily as a source of proteins, fats, and fiber.
Feed oil is produced by pressing in accordance with the requirements of the organizational standard and technological instructions. The oil is a valuable feed product as an energy source. Fats are particularly important in feeding poultry and lactating animals.
Sunflower oil holds a significant place among the variety of feed products.
LLC «Inter-Oil» produces oil according to STO 74 705 420−002−2019 «Unrefined Sunflower Oil for Feed. Organizational Standard». It is supplied in bulk to transport containers (tank trucks, barrels, containers) that ensure product safety. The transport containers must be dry, clean, free from foreign odors, with a tightly closing hatch (lid), and comply with the conditions of the supply contract.
  • Storage conditions – the oil should be stored in closed containers that ensure its safety, away from direct sunlight and heat sources

  • The shelf life of unrefined sunflower feed oil is 4 months from the date of manufacture (filling date)
The feed product is certified. Certificate of conformity No. ROSS RU.PN76.N00754 Valid from 15.11.2023 to 14.11.2026.
© LLC «Scientific Production Enterprise «Inter-Oil»
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